Manufactured Composite Wood-Alternative Decking

Living in Augusta means that you get to enjoy your outdoor spaces pretty much year-round, but along with the warm temperatures come high humidity and a high risk of mildew and mold formation. And the extremely high temperatures and rainy months put plenty of wear and tear on exterior materials like decking, railings, and porches. At Howard Lumber, we provide the area with a vast number of manufactured wood-alternative composite products that keep your outdoor areas looking great for the long term. They also offer very low maintenance and repair costs. Our brands and products come in a variety of textures and colors and can mimic natural wood, depending on your personal preference.

Deck Designing & Installation

At Howard Lumber, we not only offer several various manufactured wood-alternative composite railing, decking, and exterior materials; we also expertly design and install them. Whether you want to upgrade your old and aging porch or create an outdoor space for entertaining, our team of experts can take your vision from drawings to building exactly what you want. That way, you can enjoy the best part of our hometown: the spectacular outdoors.

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